

Welcome to the Pixel Gaming Shop!

Our server will be using this shop to manage donations and rewards automatically.

Packages will work on all servers except when you're asked to choose which server you want to receive the package on.

If you have any questions about the packages we're selling, please contact us on our Discord.


What will happen with the donations we receive?

All donations will go toward the upkeep of the servers. Beside that we will also use 

donations to upgrade server hardware to get the best possible experience we can offer.

Packages might change in the future!

We're constantly working on our servers to improve the service we provide. This can also mean that the packages we provide now might change in the future.

If these packages are changed later, compensation for the changed offers might not be included and is up to the owners of the server.

The art used on our webshop is made by Brandon (Discord: brandreborn#0020 ) and PsychoTiddyBear (Discord: PsychoTiddyBear#9918) . 

Some of the newer art which is mainly used for temporarily packages are made via NovaSkin or downloaded from free icon packs.

Please note that we are not affiliated with Mojang AB in any way. Minecraft is a copyright of Mojang AB.